Sunday, 18 March 2012

Rainbows, sunsets and everything in between.

Flinders Island is truly a magical place. I have witnessed the most beautiful, natural events that I have ever seen anywhere else.
This particular day we watched the clouds forming over  the range in the distance. This is the view from the side of my house. It wasn't long before we saw the start of this rainbow. It was as bright as I have ever seen (the photo does not do it justice). Then as it was forming I could see both ends of the rainbow as it stretched out over the paddocks. I could just about see that pot of gold at the end and could have walked out into the paddocks to touch it. It was truly spectacular.  Unfortunately I couldn't fit it in one photo but you can get the gist. Can't you?

A week or so later we were having tea and once again out the side window we could see a full moon peeking over the range. Over the next half an hour we took many photos as it went behind the clouds but you could see the light shining through the edge of the cloud and then coming out the other side. Amazing indeed. 

Heading behind the clouds



Back out the other side.
We often get out and about around sunset. We have been able to capture some lovely shots in different locations and in differing conditions. 

Whitemark Beach

Bruno contemplating life
Taken on same day.

Walkers Lookout

See the vivid blue behind the clouds?

Taken a week ago

Same day

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The Suby - written especially for Tracey and Ian.

On arrival to Flinders Island my car still had half a tank of fuel. Two and a half  months later  we have only just refuelled her. Good going hey? Most of the time it is parked, in the garage of course (you know living on a island and rust) and is used less than its original owners, if that is at all possible. 
Once a week she comes out of the garage to drive up the road, around the corner (seriously a 5 min walk) for me to do my weekly grocery shop. It is still the shiniest, cleanest  car on the island and it proudly displays its Qld number plates.
A few weeks ago when we went on our walk with Parks and Wildlife around Trousers Point, we drove to the starting point in her, just so she could get out and about.

On the dirt roads.
Mt. Strezelecki