Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Boat Comes In

Ok, so Wednesday is shopping day and you best get there earlier enough to grab the best choices, but don't go too early otherwise stock isn't on the shelves yet. I had to drive the cruiser down though it is within walking distance but I was doing a big shop in preparation for the extra long weekend. As I turned into the main street I couldn't believe it, both sides of the road were packed with cars and I had to park down the road a couple of hundred metres. This was certainly going to be an experience and  I had vision of Christmas shopping at Woolies on the Coast.

On instruction from Bruno I headed into the 3 aisle grocery shop with my boxes for packing the groceries on my completion. Ok, so with trolley already packed up with boxes I proceeded to do the shop becoming concerned that I was slowly running out of room in the trolley because of the offending boxes. I did a quick rearrangement of groceries and boxes and continued on. The actual shop itself wasn't as packed as I thought  from the amount of cars outside and wondered where everyone was hiding or congregating. As I reached the checkout, guess what, no waiting at all. Wow, this was certainly proving to be an relatively easy grocery experience.

At the check out the lady proceeded to tell me that I didn't need to bring my own boxes in because they always had enough there at the end of the counter. This was my chance to introduce myself, "Oh my husband Bruno advised me to take in the boxes from the back of his cruiser."
"Oh, so your here at last. I bet Bruno is happy that you are here," replied the lady whose name was Alison.
"Well not just yet but am here on holidays for a couple of weeks. And I am sure I will perfect the grocery shopping and packing by the end of my stay."

Well, shopping done I headed out to the car and wheeled the trolley up the street feeling a bit self-conscious about it all as back home only "dero" types wheeled trolleys around the streets. As I reached the cruiser, an elderly gentlemen came up to me, he owned the Petrol Station, next door to the grocery shop.
"Here I will help you unload those into the car and then I can take the trolley back to the shop for you."
"Thanks, that is lovely."
We had a little chat and reacquainted ourselves as I had met him on my last visit and he had recognised Bruno's cruiser and put two and two together as to who I was.
Well that was my shopping experience all finished.

Oh for country hospitality. I could grow to like this.


1 comment:

  1. It's sounding so lovely, Tracy. So nice to have nice people in your community - you'll fit right in!
