During the week I had a real look around the garden. A tree that I had photographed back in April when I was visiting was now in abundance of fruit - peaches. Wow, Bruno and I inspected the fruit and although many had been "stung" by fruit fly, there were plenty that had not. However, there were lots of little red/black bugs on them and the poor tree had been neglected. We picked the peaches that hadn't been touched and took them inside. They were very sweet. We are now waiting for the fruit to finish bearing and then we will prune the tree back and look after it so hopefully next year we will have a tree laden with untouched fruit. :-)
The tree back in April 2011 |
Juicy, sweet peaches. |
Oh wow! Lucky girl! You can plant all those cold climate fruit trees that I just dream of, ooh and daffodils! :-) Enjoy those peaches.