Friday 22 April 2011

Its raining Its pouring!

Bruno is off at the moment so yesterday he escorted me on my run/walk. On his suggestion we headed up Thule Road where the school is, oh and of course the Power Station. It took us half an hour to get to just beyond the school from our home. We followed the gravel path made on the side of the road for the children to get safely to school. The path edged the paddocks that were filled with cows and the new born calves. Really lovely to see and to take my mind of my breathlessness exacerbated by the wind that was blowing.

We headed back towards the Power Station and Bruno showed me where he works and actually what he does in that little red brick building. He showed me the 4 diesel generators and how they feed electricity to the 3 main areas of Flinders Island -  north to Killicrankie, south to Lady Barron and west to Whitemark where we live. It is pretty amazing how it all works.

As we headed out of the station the sky was filled by a enormous rainbow. Drat didn't have the camera yet again. But it was bright, full and reached one tip of Whitemark to the other. But behind the rainbow was dark clouds. Oh no please don't rain yet. We'll be right were Bruno's last, famous words. No longer than 5 mins down the road it let loose and we were walking home in the pouring rain.

It was driving into our faces along with the 25 knott winds. Now this was really fun!! My track pants were getting wetter by the minute and I couldn't even open my eyes to see where I was going. The cows stared at us and the one car that passed us must have thought, "bloody tourists!" But hey where was that country hospitality that had been displayed to me earlier in the week - my thoughts were, "ok aren't you going to offer us a lift?" No such luck.

As fate would have it, it stopped raining within a couple of hundred metres from the house. When
inside I jumped into the hot shower with face and ears numb and my hair plastered to my face. Bruno on the other hand cooked me breakfast - bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. A lovely way to end the harrowing experience I had just had at the expense of Bruno's last words.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely take the camera on your next walk. I want to see what you're talking about (although you might need to carry it in a plastic bag, LOL).
